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AVE Awarded Move For Hunger’s First Hunger Fighting Champion Award

May 6, 2022

Move For Hunger has created a new award to showcase our hunger fighting heroes in a new light! 

The Hunger Fighting Champion Award is a quarterly award that is given to a partner that has gone above and beyond in the fight againstLiveBetter Bracelet3.png hunger. This includes anything likefundraising, hosting a food drive with a large impact, participating in a campaign or event, etc.

For the first quarter of 2022, AVE, a brand of Korman Commuinities that owns a multitude of luxury apartments, was awarded the FIRST Hunger Fighting Champion Award for their collaboration with Little Words Project. Throughout the month of February, AVE and Little Words Project teamed up to create a special bracelet inspired by its mission to deliver flexible, carefree living. Little Words Project then donated 25% of its profits from bracelet purchases to Move For Hunger. 

From this unique campaign and collaboration, more than 2,500 meals were provided to food insecure communities!

AVE was one of the first multi-family partners of Move For Hunger back in 2015. Since then, their properties have regularly participated in themed food drives and our ‘Donate Your Food When You Move’ program, which encourages residents of multifamily properties to donate their food to food insecure communities when they move out. AVE has helped provide more than 138,000 meals to those in need. 

Interested in joining the fight to end hunger? Sign up to join our multi-family program!