What You Will Receive
  • Digital Food Drive Toolkit, including food drive flyers and list of suggested items
  • Food Donation Sign to print to decorate your boxes/bins
  • Transportation of your donations to the local food bank (*based on your location, the number of boxes collected, and our transportation volunteer’s availability)
  • Order Move For Hunger Gear

Did you know?

Food banks always see a decline in donations after the holiday season is over.

How you can help

Make it your New Year’s resolution to fight hunger in 2023! We’ll help you organize a food drive at your office, school, place of worship, or community organization. Together we can help keep the shelves stocked at your local food bank all winter long.


Want to host a fundraiser instead? Click here

sign up for your food drive today!

Did you know? 1 in 7 Americans are food insecure

Did you know? People who are food insecure are more likely to have health problems.

Give us the details. Be Specific. The more we know about your food drive, the easier it will be to help.

Did you know? In 1980 there were 2 dozen food banks in the U.S. Today, there are about 400.