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Top Eight Foods to Donate to Children this Summer

June 27, 2023

Summer is anything but a relaxing vacation for families dealing with food insecurity. It’s estimated that 22 million kids face summer hunger because they do not have access to free or reduced-price meals given during the school year. 

Millions of kids and families depend on food banks during the summer when there is a greater need for food because fewer donations are made and more households rely on food banks. 

Want to help kids be kids and not have to worry about their next meal? Here are the top items to contribute to your neighborhood food bank this summer.


1. Peanut Butter 

Peanut butter is not only a favorite among children, but it also has a lengthy shelf life. Alternative nut butter, such as sunflower or almond butter, is also an excellent choice for those with food allergies. It tastes great on a peanut butter sandwich, on fruit like bananas or apples, or in peanut butter oatmeal. 


2. Instant Oatmeal Packets 

Speaking of oatmeal, it's a fantastic breakfast to donate. It is also really simple to prepare which makes it easy for kids to fix without having parental supervision - most of the time, all you need is hot water. It is a nutritious morning meal for children that can be presented in a variety of ways. Our favorite oatmeal combination is brown sugar, strawberry, and peanut butter. 


3. Canned Proteins 

Canned proteins are versatile and healthful, plus they are nonperishable. Canned protein alternatives include chicken, salmon, tuna, and sardines. They are easy to open and ready to eat while parents are at work. They also can be added to salads, pasta, stews, and sandwiches.


4. Canned Vegetables/ Fruits 

Depending on their age, children require varying quantities of cups of fruits and vegetables every day. Regardless, fruits and vegetables are crucial components of a child's diet. They can be served as a snack or as a side dish for lunch or dinner. There are also healthy fruit bars like Larabars, That’s It, and Pure Organic that help kids get daily allotment.  They keep well in pantries and are simple to donate!  


5. Cereal or Cereal Bars 

Who doesn't enjoy cereal and granola bars? They are ideal for breakfast or a midday snack. Whole grain breakfast cereals with lower sugar content are an excellent option and easy for older children to prepare at home. 


6. Chips and Crackers 

Pretzels, Cheez-Its, animal crackers, graham crackers, and other similar items fall under this category. While not all children have the opportunity to prepare their meals while on summer vacation, it is critical to have snacks readily available for them to snack on while waiting for meals. 


7. Soups and Pasta 

Soups, especially hearty dishes like stew or chili, are always in high demand at food banks. Pastas can be a quick and easy dinner option for the kids at home. All you need is boiling water and possibly some marinara sauce, which would also make an excellent donation if you are feeling generous.  


8. Shelf Stable Milk

Finally, unlike traditional whole milk, shelf-stable milk or powdered milk can last for more than a week. Shelf-stable milk tastes the same as regular milk, but it has been packaged and pasteurized to remain longer on the shelf. You can use it in the same way that you would ordinary milk!

Where to Donate? 

Have food you want to donate? Find a food bank or pantry in your state and zip code.  

Other Ways to Take Action 

Hunger can impact everybody, and we've all felt its bad effects. Children may experience irritability, shakiness, headaches, dizziness, and an increased risk of chronic disease.

Summer should be a time of relaxation for children, not a time of mental and physical strain. Keeping our local food pantries stocked is critical, and you can host a food drive. 

Education is the first step in the fight against hunger. If you wish to learn more about summer hunger, read this. 

Want to donate today but don't have time to visit your local food bank? Click here to donate today! A $25 donation can provide 63 meals to kids in need.