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How to Thank Your Donors

April 12, 2017

You've started your fundraising campaign and already started to get donations in -- fantastic! While you may think that the initial ask to your donors is the most important, thanking them is equally essential. Whether it be electronically, on paper, or in person, recognizing your generous donors is crucial. Here's a few ways to show your appreciation to each and every one, no matter the amount.


For most fundraisers, social media is king. It's where most people get their daily dose of news, funny cat videos, and catch up with friends and family. It's also a great place to call out the incredible generosity of your donors, one by one. After each donation, make sure you tag them, highlight their charitable contribution and include a personal note if possible. Not only does it show your appreciation, it can encourage other social media followers to donate as well.


Even though everything seems be electronic these days, there's still no substitute for a good thank you note. Be more personal by taking the time to hand write a note and send old fashioned snail mail. Or, if you're more of a picture kind of person, make photo cards of you at the finish to send out after your campaign. Either way, it shows you put in effort to recognize their thoughtfulness.

Speak Up

Whether it be on the phone or in person, hearing the gratitude in someone's voice is always refreshing. For the larger donors, maybe treat them to a coffee or a drink to express your appreciation. Regardless of the amount, any donor would like to hear a "Thank You" and be kept up to date on your training and fundraising progress. Also, make sure you update them on Move For Hunger's latest projects - people always like to know their donations are going to good use.

Categories: Fundraising Tips